MagnaWave Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) therapy is a massage at the cellular level. Every organ in our body produces it’s own bio-electromagnetic field. Using PEMF is a way to enhance those energy fields to stimulate cell metabolism, increase oxygenation, and reduce inflammation, thereby reducing pain and promoting healing. We are fully certified and taking new clients!
MagnaWave is used in nearly every competitive equestrian discipline for equine performance enhancement, health maintenance, and healing. Performance horses often receive PEMF therapy before and after a show, and MagnaWave can be used routinely to help prevent sore backs, arthritis pain, injuries or wounds, laminitis, and much more. Want us to set up at your horse show or equine event? Drop us a note.
Everyone wants their pets to feel their best and to maintain their physical ability to live their life in comfort. Owners of personal pets and owners of competitive pets want to have every possible edge in daily life or competition. MagnaWave can help provide that edge. PEMF can help resolve a number of issues (improves inflammation from disease processes, arthritis) and provide an overall improved state of wellbeing and relaxation for your animal.
Give your livestock and show animals the best care and competitive edge. MagnaWave your livestock to improve their general health and wellness, including pre-show relaxation and post-event recovery. Working on a cellular level, MagnaWave encourages your animal’s body to heal itself. MagnaWave is a safe and effective, drug free alternative to keep your animals in optimal health.
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Call or text Dr. Laura: (919) 452-4931